October training guide

Here's how to keep fit in October!

Don't forget the warm-up and cool-down, find a suitable venue - some could be done on the track - and always stay within current guidelines.

  • w/c 5 Oct - Speed endurance reps - Set 1 - 4x400@1500 pace, Set 2 - 4x200@800 pace. 90 secs rest between reps. 5 mins between sets. 2400m.

  • w/c 12 Oct - Paveys - alternate hard and easy running, no breaks. Set 1 - 3/1/2/1/1/3 Set 2 - 2/1/90secs/1/1/3 Set 3 - 1/1/45/1/30/1 = 25:45

  • w/c 19 Oct - Varied pace reps - great prep for trail running so try it off road - 2 x (1200@10k, 800@5lk, 400@1500),90 secs between reps, 5 mins between sets = 4800m

  • w/c 26 Oct - Hill reps - 10 x (2mins up, jog back) no breaks

Get in touch with Head Coach Frances if you have any specific questions and provide advice for anyone who needs it.

Happy running everyone!