Virtual SUPERteams Challenge!

The Linlithgow AC Junior section have joined 25 clubs from across Scotland to take part in 4J Studios Virtual SUPERteams Challenge.

10 of our juniors along with 200 other young athletes in the U11 and U13 age groups have been taking part in this month’s edition of scottishathletics virtual challenges.

The challenges are taking place over a two-week period, with clubs able to offer two of the events each week. Week 1 has been shuttle runs and throwing socks into a basket (target throw!). In each event, our young athletes can have as many attempts as they like and then choose a final attempt to submit as their result.

A big well done to all of our young athletes and parents for getting involved this week, and thank you to Juniors coach Ian Fyfe for co-ordinating our entries so far.

Some action photos below from the past week…